- Filharmonia Opolska
- Photographer — Mikołaj Dąbrowski
- Interior design — FABRYK-ART Agata Chomiak i Maciej Ferenc
Design of a modern usable space: Opole Philharmonic from the inside
Each public utility building has its own arrangement secrets. A perfect example is the usable space of the Opole Philharmonic, whose convenience and functionality have a huge impact on the comfort of many people’s work. The design of this space was undertaken by the FABRYK-ART studio. And it must be admitted that it achieved the task with flying colours. What impresses in this implementation are mostly innovative ideas, bold colours, as well as modern AQForm luminaires.
Coherent extravagance
The functional space of the Opole Philharmonic consists of two interconnected rooms (which serve as a waiting room for musicians), rooms for artists, men's and women's toilets for the audience and a mother&child room. The project carried out by the FABRYK-ART studio also included the arrangement of a music club located in the glass part of the Opole Philharmonic.
The combination of the diversity of the purpose of the rooms with the arrangement consistency is based on finishing materials. Terrazzo is the leitmotif in the toilets, and wood in the waiting room for musicians and guest rooms. The architects also opted for original colours – the usable space is dominated by vivid colours: brick shades, sea green, light navy blue and classic white.
In addition to surprising visual effects, functionality was also important to the investors of the Opole Philharmonic. It can be seen in the ergonomics of guest toilets, but also in guest rooms. The architects decided to design a entersol in high guest rooms. This solution allowed to find an additional space for a relaxation area, which is illuminated by the lighting of the Polish manufacturer of AQForm luminaires.
The final touch – MIDI RING dot and SET TRU LED
Wybór oświetlenia stanowi ważny element każdego projektu wnętrza. To ono podkreśla charakter i uwydatnia detale, które są kwintesencją aranżacji. Podczas wyboru oświetlenia warto kierować się względami estetycznymi, praktycznymi, a także ekonomicznymi. Ciekawym sposobem na uzyskanie oryginalnej gry światła i cieni są szynoprzewody. To one są doskonałą bazą oświetleniową dla całej przestrzeni. Umieszczenie kilku opraw na szynie przyczynia się nie tylko do równomiernego rozświetlenia pomieszczenia, ale również do uzyskania możliwości regulacji punktów świetlnych. Dzięki temu oświetlenie łatwo jest dopasować do indywidualnych preferencji oraz aktualnych potrzeb użytkowników przestrzeni.
KARI od AQForm
Lighting plays a key role in the entire usable space. The architects decided to use AQForm fittings, which are consistent with the entire arrangement, and at the same time introduce a decorative accent to it. The luminaires used in the project in the form of MIDI RING dot LED 230V suspended general lighting and black linear SET TRU LED hermetic surface luminaires intrigue with a compromise between subtle simplicity and modern lighting. The leitmotif of the collection is the inner circle on which the light source has been placed. Thanks to this, the light source remains hidden from the observer's eyes, there is no unpleasant glare effect, and the interior is evenly illuminated.
The new edition of the Opole Philharmonic positively surprised both investors and visitors. The design of the usable space is functional and universal, and at the same time modern, fresh and surprising with its extravagance.
PRODUCTSused in project
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FABRYK-ART Agata Chomiak i Maciej Ferenc
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