

Dzięki szynoprzewodom niemalże jednym ruchem można zmienić ilość, miejsce, a nawet rodzaj zamontowanych we wnętrzu opraw. Dzięki temu dopasowanie oświetlenia do wnętrza nie wymaga wprowadzania dodatkowych zmian w strukturze sufitu czy instalacji elektrycznej.

Thanks to track lighting it is possible to easily change the amount, placement and even type of luminaires inside an interior. Thanks to this it is possible to fit the lighting to the interior does not require additional changes in the structure of the ceiling or additional eletrical wiring.

AQForm Light Laboratories

Learn more about how our Research and Development Center works. It's an area of nearly 360m² dedicated to researching, testing and designing luminaires. Thanks to it we can be certain how our luminaires work and deliver reliable products that provide high-quality light.


Interior designer: Grażyna Grzybek, Michał Grzybek

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Created for you

  1. We are an award-winning Polish manufacturer of modern lighting solutions.
  2. In our portfolio, you can find refined lighting dedicated to private interiors as well as specialized solutions to commercial spaces.
  3. Our luminaries are designed, tested, examined and manufactured in Czernichów near Kraków.
  4. The AQForm team of experts works every day at the 3600m² Research and Development Center.
  5. The knowledge and experience of our employees, as well as the extensive machinery park, allow us to maintain high production flexibility.

  • Dobry Wzór 2014
  • Gazele Biznesu 2015
  • Red Dot Design Award 2015
  • must have 2015
  • Diament Forbes 2016
  • iF Design Award 2016
  • Muuuz International Award 2016

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